Dr. Lev Levit Center - treatment and rehabilitation of children with mental and psychophysical development disorders


Nurbol and his wife are taking the AUTHOR’S COURSE ON THE LTP METHOD, this is by Israeli specialist Mikhail Levit. ✏ Their son Abdullah is 3.5 years old. Diagnosis: ZPRR. ➡ Nurbol decided to share his son’s achievements during the month of completing the LTP course. Before the course I had the following problems: I didn’t eat on my own at all, I only drank milk. He went about his business wearing only a diaper and did not recognize the potty. I had difficulty falling asleep. Sometimes they were rocked for hours.

We didn’t know what to do when our son became hysterical. They did everything to calm down.   

After the LTP course

After a month of completing the course, the boy achieved the following results: He began to eat very well. He asks for food himself. Learn to eat on your own. My sleep has returned to normal and I fall asleep on my own without motion sickness. Already recognized the pot. When we bring it to him, he immediately does his job. As parents, we have learned to deal with tantrums.

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