Marina contacted Dr. Lev Levit Center in December 2020. Her son Ansar was diagnosed with ZPRR. The boy did not pay attention to his relatives, slept only with his parents, did not allow his hair to be cut, was often hysterical, showed aggression, had stereotypical movements, did not respond to his name, ate only flour products, had no speech in any form.
How did the treatment affect you?
✅ After completing the course of training on the author’s LTP method and stabilizing the diet, Ansar experienced the following changes: The number of stims decreased, The diet expanded, the diet normalized, Aggression decreased, He began to pay attention to others, Sounds appeared in his speech, The number of tantrums decreased, He began to help around the house, He became more independent. You can learn more about Ansar’s positive results from our video!